Dr Tom Mitchell

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:PhD; PGCert HE; FHEA; BSc (Hons)
  • Position:Professor of Audio and Music Interaction
  • Department:FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
  • Telephone:+4411732 83349
  • Email:Tom.Mitchell@uwe.ac.uk
  • Social media: LinkedIn logo Twitter logo

About me

Tom Mitchell (he/him) is a Professor of Audio and Music Interaction in the School of Computing and Creative Technologies where he leads the Creative Technologies Laboratory. With an interest in computer science and music, Tom's research involves the development and evaluation of interactive technologies that support novel and accessible forms of creative expression.

Tom is a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow working on the £1.3M project "Sensing Music Interactions from the Outside-In". The project aims to rethink the fundamental practice of digital musical instrument design, inviting broader participation in the development of new musical instruments and future visions of musicianship. For more information see the project website: www.micalab.org.

Additionally, Tom co-leads the Bridge, a £3M creative technology facility at UWE, which is funded by the AHRC and WECA. He is also an associate member of the CSRC, DCRC and BRL, and resident at the Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio where he collaborates on a range of multidisciplinary research projects combining art and science including Soma, danceroom Spectroscopy and Transmission. Tom is also co-founder of MiMU Gloves, a technology company that develops interactive technology enabling musicians to compose and perform through movement and gesture.

Personal website

Area of expertise

Human Computer Interaction, music, sonification, artificial intelligence and audio processing.


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