Mrs Iwona Gajda

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About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Project Management in the College of Arts, Technology and Environment: School of Engineering. I am located in the Bristol Robotics Laboratory. I hold M.Sc. in Biology and a PhD in Environmental Engineering.  Ranked among the 2% top-cited scientists in the world in the Stanford/Elsevier list in 2023.

Area of expertise

I was working as one of the researchers for an Urinetricity Project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation based on real-world implementation of scaled-up Microbial Fuel Cell systems. My area of interest includes innovation in converting waste into energy in real implementation environments but also recovery of water and nutrients from wastewater, electrosynthesis and sensing. I am interested in the integration of multidisciplinarity in environmental engineering represented by Bioelectrochemical Systems/ Microbial Fuel Cells and bioinspiration to tackle today's world challenges.


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