Dr Davide Landi

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About me

I am a senior lecturer architecture histories & theories and registered Architect. I obtained my Master's Degree in Architectural-Engineering from the Università Politecnica Delle Marche, a second Master's Degree in Architecture from the Accademia Adrianea di Architettura e Archeologia - Politecnico di Milano, and a PhD in Architecture from the Liverpool School of Art and Design.

After my studies, I worked as an Architect and Researcher in a number of different countries including Japan, China, Italy, the USA, and the United Kingdom.


My current research investigates the notion of architectural types in contemporary culture and the ephemeral character of cities that the city's recent digital turn emphasized. 

In addition, I research contemporary architectural history and theory, focusing on James Stirling's office. This has been disseminated through a travelling exhibition.


_ Histories of Architecture;

_ Architectural Design Studio.

Research Funding and Scholarships:

_ 2014 “Progetto Leonardo” Scholarship by European Union;

_ 2016 Liverpool John Moores University PhD Scholarship by Liverpool John Moores University;

_ 2016 RIBA Research Trust Awards, Research Assistant;

_ 2017 Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Principal Investigator;

_ 2017 Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, Principal Investigator.

_ 2022 Vice-Chancellor’s Early Career Researcher Development Awards, Principal Investigator.


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