Mr Kyle Geraghty

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  • Qualifications:Ba (Hons), MSc, MRes.
  • Position:Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
  • Department:FBL - Business and Management
  • Telephone:+4411732 87856

About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (HRM) with over half a decade's teaching experience (since 2015) and fellowship status in Higher Education. I also currently lead the Business and Management Programme.

My teaching focuses primarily on large first year cohorts, in which I introduce students to theories of management, the political economy context of businesses, and the fundamentals of both critical academia and research. For later years I focus on the external context of HRM. Identifying the limits and role that businesses relationship to capitalist competition and globalisation has on individual actors in firms.

I am an interdisciplinary researcher. My main research focus is on global production networks for textile, agricultural, and automobile production; processes of price valuation and broader concepts of value; and uneven development.

Beyond this I have a broad background in political economy, economic history, economic geography, international relations, and labour market theory. Increasingly I am also aiming to develop pedagogical research on teaching diverse students, mental health and education, and critical business theory.


Area of expertise

I have engaged and developed work on several interconnected research areas:

Discussions of pricing and skill valuation within Labour Process and Labour Market theory.

The role of Global Production Networks within Uneven Development and the structure of the Global Political Economy.

The structure of Economic Geography around Global Production Networks.

The role of Economic History in understanding the logic of Capitalism.

Theories of mental health and feminism in relation to the structure of individual households social and economic position.


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