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- Qualifications:Ba (Hons), MSc, MRes, PgCert, MPhil.
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
- Department:FBL - Business and Management
- Telephone:+441173287856
About me
I am a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (HRM) with over half a decade's teaching experience (since 2015) and fellowship status in Higher Education. I also currently lead the Business and Management Programme.
I have a background in political economy, economic geography, and economic history, as well as good experience in trade union activity and political activism. In the context of human resource management, I focus primarily on how the strategic and social context of businesses shapes labour markets; in particular the role of inter-capitalist competition and globalisation.
My teaching focus is primarily management theory and external environment; however, I do also have extensive experience in international business and critical management too.
My research interests are value theory, uneven development, global production networks, labour markets (including discussions of gendering), processes of pricing, and critical management theory.
Area of expertise
Global Production Networks, Value Theory, Uneven Development, Labour Market Theory, Global Political Economy, History of Capitalism, International Trade, Neoliberalism, Varieties of Capitalism.