Mr Mike Devereux

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  • Qualifications:BA(Hons) MCD FRGS MIPI SFHEA
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Department:FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Telephone:+4411732 83208

About me

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Programme Leader (Architecture). I am also responsible for international exchange programmes in the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment. I specialise in design, and particularly in how the design of place is influenced by traditions, cultures and ideas.

My research and publications draw upon narratives of nationality; identity and belonging and use photography and diagramming as techniques to investigate place. At present I am exploring ideas of intangible borders and frontiers in Paris and how that can influence our reading of urban space. Previous projects have included explorations of the garden city and its international transformations, the impact of language on place-making and the 'grands projets' and parks of Paris.     

I lecture to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and have a particular focus on the way cultures, arts and humanities influence architecture and urban form. I also run a third year design studio. 

Area of expertise

Arts and humanities in architecture & urbanism

Identity, cultures and place

Histories and architectures of place

Design in the urban context


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