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- Qualifications:PhD, MEng, CEng, FHEA
- Position:Senior Lecturer (Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering)
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+4411732 87226
About me
I lecture in Aerospace Engineering. My interests include wing morphing (CFD, practical), flow control, aircraft design and aeroacoustics. My passion is about creating sustainable zero-carbon technologies, particularly green aviation. I have teaching experience in Aerodynamics/Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Propulsion, Computational Methods, Advanced Wind Energy, Aeronautics, Aero-Acoustics, Group Projects, Aircraft Design (Airbus). Between 2016-2019, I was Programme Leader for Masters by Research (MRes) in Engineering. I was educated in Aerospace Engineering at Southampton University (PhD, MEng). Previously, I held postdoctoral research positions at Birmingham, Nottingham and Exeter universities.
Seeking industrial & academic partnerships (e.g. KTP/KTN, Innovate UK, EPSRC, HEA). International collaborators most welcome.
Accepting PhD/MSc students. If interested, please get in touch.
Collaborative Projects: Ducted Fans (Leonardo Helicopters), Trapped Vortices (Royal Society), High Speed Train Aeodynamics (EPSRC), MERiFIC (TSB), High Flow Installation Vessel (TSB-Funded), WEATHER Project (Network Rail).
Funded Projects/Awards: Summer Internships (£10k, PI, UWE, 2020-2023), Sustainable 3D Printing (£5k, PI, UWE, 2020), Thermal comfort modelling in BRI (£4k, CoI, UWE, 2019), Vice Chancellor ECR Grant (£14k, PI, Morphing Wings, UWE, 2016), Bridging The Gaps Award (£4.5k, Co-I, Biodiesel from algae, Exeter University, 2013), Researcher-Led Award (£1k, PI, Signal Analysis and Statistical Tools for Field Data, Exeter University, 2013), ADF Award (£15k, PI, Wind Energy, Exeter University, 2013), TSB Award (£107k, Co-I, High Flow Installation Vessel, Exeter University, 2012), Bridging The Gaps Research Award (£5k, PI, Turbulence measurement protocols from ADCP data, Exeter University, 2012).
Currently, I co-supervise two PhD students:
- Paul Hanman: Modelling and Design of Energy Efficient Joint Wing Concepts, UWE.
- Bo Ouyang: Flow Control of High Lift Devices using High Fidelity CFD, UWE.
Area of expertise
Morphing, Aircraft Design, Aerodynamics & CFD, Thermofluids, Renewable Energy, Aeroacoustics, Programming.