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- Qualifications:PhD, DSc, CEng, MIET, MIEEE
- Position:Professor of Robot Ethics
- Department:FET - Engineering, Design and Mathematics
- Telephone:+441173282644
About me
My work at UWE spans Research and Public Engagement. I conduct research in Cognitive Robotics within the Bristol Robotics Lab. I am a member of the Science Communication Unit, and undertake public engagement work centred upon robotics. Robot ethics is a significant focus of my current work, including the development of new standards.
I also blog at:
Recent Research Projects:
- Robotics for Nuclear Environments (RNE)
- Autonomous Robot Evolution (ARE)
- Driverless Futures?
- Responsible Robotics (RoboTIPS)
External appointments:
- Visiting Professor, Department of Electronics, University of York
- Member, British Standards Institute working group on Robot Ethics
- Chair, IEEE Standards Working Group P7001, Transparency of Autonomous Systems
- Associate Fellow, Cambridge Centre for the Future of Intelligence
- Chair of Advisory Board, Responsible Technology Institure, University of Oxford
Editorial Boards:
- Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Evolutionary Robotics
- Member, founding editorial board, AI and Ethics
Area of expertise
Robotics; Intelligent Autonomous Systems; Swarm Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems; Complex Systems; Robot Ethics; Public Engagement; Open Science