Miss Ana Miguel Lazaro

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  • Position:Health and Wellbeing Strategy Manager
  • Telephone:+4411732 84609

About me

I am working with colleagues accross the university to develop and embed the Health and Wellbeing Strategy realting to staff and students across the university and I am co-leading the Strategy team part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity team.

I am focusing on the Health inequalities and the belonging and culture strands of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Other projects that I am involved are: staff networks, listetning events, history months and festivals, Feel Good, Mental Health Charter Mark and Alcohol and Drugs Charter Mark.

I have led the Speak Up campaign until it has became a key strategic priority. The Speak Up campaign started as a collaborative project between students, staff and local partners project to create a culture where inappropriate behaviour is challenged. As part of this campaign, I have project managed the implementation of the Report and Support platform: https://reportandsupport.uwe.ac.uk/

I have organised events, workshops and training to tackle sexual harassment on campus and I have delivered the Active Bystander training to Sport clubs and societies captains.

I have built key partnerships with the Students' Union, Bristol Zero Tolerance, Somerset & Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support and Stand Agaisnt Racism and Inequality.



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