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- Qualifications:BA (Hons); PhD; SFHEA; FRGS
- Position:Associate Professor of Urban Geography & Programme Leader: BA Geography
- Department:College of Arts, Technology and Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 82098
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About me
I completed a BA (Hons) Geography (1995-1998) and a PhD (1998-2002) in the Department of Geography at Swansea University. My PhD focused on the new trend towards city centre housing development as part of the urban renaissance of the late 1990s and early 2000s. I was then appointed a Lecturer in Human Geography at Swansea University from 2001-2003. I joined the University of the West of England in September 2003 as a Lecturer in Urban Policy. From 2007 I was a Senior Lecturer and in 2023 I was appointed Associate Professor. From 2015, I have been the Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Geography.
From 2015-2018, I was part of an ESRC funded project, PARCOUR, which explored public-private partnerships in urban regeneration. PARCOUR sought to understand how the public benefit from these types of agreements. I worked with Prof Rob Atkinson and Dr David Williams at UWE, as well as colleagues in the Netherlands and Brazil.
From 2017-2021, I was involved in a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project, COHSMO, which investigated the relationship between socio-economic structures of inequality, urbanisation and territorial cohesion, and how territorial cohesion across Europe at different levels (local, regional, national and European) affects economic growth, spatial justice and democratic capacities.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers (since 1999), a member of the Town and Country Planning Association (since 2002) and a member of the Geographical Association (since 2016). I am also the UWE academic liaison and Co-President (since 2022) for the Bristol Branch of the Geographical Association (
Since 2010, I have been the Editor of the international Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal ( I was awarded a Teaching Excellence award in 2010 and a UWE Learning and Teaching Fellowship in 2012. Since 2017 I have been a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academcy. A third edition of my textbook Urban Regeneration in the UK was published in November 2020 (Urban Regeneration in the UK - 3rd Edition - Andrew Tallon - Routledg (
Outside of academia I am actively involved in the Somerset illuminated carnivals and have been the Chairman of the Carnivals in Somerset Promotion Project ( since 2011.
Teaching at UWE
Level 1: Geographies of Globalisation (Module Leader)
Level 1: Geographical Field Study (Wales fieldtrip week)
Level 2: City Regeneration (Module Leader)
Level 2: Researching Human Geography (Mallorca fieldtrip week)
Level 3: Transforming Global Cities (Module Leader)
Level 3: Advanced Geographical Expedition (China and India field expeditions)
Area of expertise
Urban geography
Urban regeneration
Urban policy and politics
Urban economics
Gentrification and housing-led regeneration
Retail-led regeneration
The night-time city and regeneration
Culture and regeneration
Carnivals and regeneration