- Qualifications:Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (MCIPD) • Member - European Mentoring and Coaching Council • Accredited to administer psychometric tools e.g. ‘Myers Briggs Type Inventory’ (MBTI) Steps 1 and 2. • Level 5 Diploma in Management Coaching and Mentoring, Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) • M.A. Human Resource Management (HRM) (UWE) . For my Masters research placement, I was commissioned by a Bristol company recruiting engineers in the aerospace industry, to recommend effective methods to recruit mechanical engineers in the tight labour market of the aerospace industry. • Postgraduate Diploma in HRM, UWE (CIPD)
- Position:Associate Lecturer - Bristol Business School (HRM)
- Email:Angela.Allcock@uwe.ac.uk
Area of expertise
I wear two ‘hats’:
1. I am a Learning and Development Consultant and Executive Coach, running my own business – The People Advantage, since 2018, and
2. Working part-time, as an Associate Lecturer in the Human Resource Management (HRM) Department, College of Business and Law at UWE. Also, a member of the Human Resources, Work and Employment Group.
BACKGROUND: Before becoming a Lecturer and self-employed Consultant and Coach, I worked as an HR Learning & Development Professional in Higher Education in 3 different universities, and in the private sector. My last role was as Head of People Development at the University of Exeter, responsible for the full range of Personal, Professional and Leadership Development for professional services and academic staff, at all levels.
Before that, I ‘walked the walk,’ as a senior leader, operating at a strategic level, in different sectors, building, transforming and leading teams through challenging transitions. My private sector experience includes small and large businesses, a US manufacturing company, and a market leader in high-end customer service. Everything I do is grounded in that experience.
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY: I have over 20 years’ experience, working first as an Internal Consultant, then externally. Passionate about lifelong learning, I specialise in leadership/management development, retaining and nurturing talent, team engagement and coaching individuals and teams. I have worked with diverse, international employees at all levels of organisations, including executive teams.
With an ability to identify the levers of change, gain buy-in at strategic level, I use consulting, interpersonal and technical skills to take a ‘helicopter view, before identifying any pinch points.
Some examples of Strategic Change HRM Projects:
Leadership Development and Transformation – I was short listed for the Times Higher Education Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development’ for leading a university-wide, strategic change/leadership project with a business efficiency agenda – “a community of leadership.
Workforce Transformation, Talent Development (in private sector), following a transformation and downsizing initiative, I analysed data, consulted stakeholders, produced an L&D strategy with operational plan, success criteria.
Academic Leadership, Talent Pipeline: I set up one of the first Heads of Academic School Programmes in the UK.
‘Effective Behaviours Framework’ for professional staff to increase shared understanding by identifying key effective behaviours.
Developing a Coaching Culture - I wrote a Coaching Strategy, created the Bath Coaching Academy with trained internal coaches, external coaches and line managers as coaches.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Meeting succession and diversity targets, and a ‘Challenging Sexism’ intervention.
Employee Engagement - I led a successful, large, Employee Engagement Survey Project, with external supplier procurement, new governance arrangements, working groups, engagement strategies, benchmark metrics.
Developing Middle Managers – I have been running a popular, 5 star rated regional programme for 17 years. With over 600 past delegates, word of mouth recommendations have been key to its success. This is a unique, innovative development programme for HE managers, managing professional services and/or academic staff. Initially developed in collaboration with colleagues, I now run this through my own company. Its USP ius that it brings together delegates from all over Southwest England and South Wales to reflect on their role, work regionally, meeting a wider range of practice, develop key management skills and network with peers in similar roles.
COACHING: I am a trained, accredited Coach with over 18 years’ experience coaching individuals and teams at all levels, in small and large organisations, across the public and private sectors. Within HE, having coached senior leaders, academics, and professional staff in all the HE mission groups ( post 92, 1994, GW4, and Russell) I have gained in-depth knowledge of the challenges facing staff working in HE and a rare insight into the cultural nuances of the different groups. All of which is coupled with deep knowledge and practical experience of Leadership Development and Organisational Psychology.
I aim to help people unlock their potential to achieve personal growth, career shifts, improve performance and build resilience. I work with companies (senior leaders, professionals, managers), and coach individuals, in or outside of a work setting. I also have considerable expertise supporting women at different career stages.
Areas of expertise:
· Leadership Coaching: Typical topics include - Seeking a distinctive yet authentic leadership style? Wanting to think, act more strategically? Managing remotely? Team dynamics & relationships? Dealing with conflict/change? Building resilience; 360-degree feedback.
· Coaching at Transitions: in a work setting or not e.g., promotion; preparing for interviews; redundancy; planning for retirement; at a career crossroads; feeling stuck; on a ‘plateau;’ returning to work; new in post.
· Personal Coaching e.g. Personal impact and presence; confidence under pressure; promotion; changing focus; personal growth; performance improvement; building resilience; work-life balance.
· Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Coaching to empower individuals to work effectively in diverse teams and/or lead with a DEI mindset.
· Team Coaching: Through reflection and dialogue, helping teams improve performance and processes. Honing both individual abilities and group talent to stretch beyond current abilities.
LECTURING: The thread running through my career has been teaching. I started my career working in Secondary Education, as a Modern Languages Teacher and eventually as Director of a Modern Languages Faculty. I now teach at UWE on a variety of HRM modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including Managing People; Organisational Change; Academic & Professional Development and a new Masters HRM Online Programme.
RESEARCH: I have not published any research. However, my areas of Interest are:
Middle managers – I am interested in all aspects of this vital group of colleagues. In particular, their key role within organisations undergoing change; how they are supported to conduct their own Individual sensemaking of their role.
Coaching – its value in transforming professional and personal lives and as a substantial return on investment.
PAPER (Not published): “How can creating a cohort of internal accredited coaches impact on organisational culture?” (2015) A collaborative piece of research between the University of Bath, University of the Arts London, and The CALM Network. A comparative, return on investment study of 2 universities creating coaching support to promote and enhance organisational learning. Presented paper, Edinburgh, 2015
Conference Presentation - Led the ‘Developing Creative Leaders in the HE Context’ workshop at national conference, Leeds, 2014.