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Department staff:
- Contribution to So We LIve: The Novels of Alexaner Baron
- Five Leaves Publications
- 2019. Aspartofanongoingproject to maintainthereputation of the work of twentieth centuryHackneynovelis
- AlexanderBaron
- alongside Ken Worpole
- Susie Thomas
- AndrewWhitehead
- Nadia Valman and Sean Longden.Collaborative novel
- il giorno perduto
- published in Italian in2015 with Gian LucaFavetto
- published by66than2nd
- Rome.
Research staff:
- Creative Practice in Creative Writing
- fiction
- Working-Class representations
- transitions from realism in fiction to more speculative modes of representation.
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:B.A.
- Position:Lecturer - Creative and Professional Writing
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+441179656261
About me
I am a lecturer on the Creative & Professional Writing Programme and also the author of five novels, mostly set around the lives of working-class families in the Black Country in the English Midlands. My work has been shortlisted for various literary prizes and I was the recipient of a Betty Trask Award for my first novel. Elsewhere, my work has appeared on BBC Book at Bedtime and featured at various festivals, such as the Edinburgh International Book Festival, along with various appearances and projects in Italy, thanks to my longstanding Italian publishers, 66thand2nd, including a collaborative novel with the writer Gian Luca Favetto, and a piece commisioned for the Rome Book Festival in 2019. Neecrosmologies, a collection of short, speculative fiction, will be published by The Braag in September 2025. I am also co-editing an anthology of creative and critical work called Transformer: Writing the Black Country, with Dr Rob Francis from the University of Wolverhampton, to be published by Zer0 Books in June 2025.
Area of expertise
Before teaching in HE, I was a Secondary School English teacher and also worked extensively in schools as a First Story Writer in Residence. I have really enjoyed how teaching and working collaboratively in the classroom have helped shape my creative practice, and that of others, and vice versa. At UWE, I have begun to concentrate on Creative Practice and how artists develop and sustain creativity (Level One module: Creative Practice & Writing Mechanics), as well as considering the relationship between lived experience, literary realism and more speculative forms (Level 3 module: Creative Writing and the Self). I am keen to develop my creative practice into further research, currently with the stories from Necrosmologies and their relationship with the visual arts and ideas about creative process.