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- Qualifications:Phd (UWE), PGCert Academic Practice, MSc Transport Planning and Engineering (Distinction), MA Applied Social Research (Distinction), BSc (Hons) Physics (First), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Teaching and Learning)
- Position:Associate Professor: Transport Planning for Sustainable Places
- Department:School of Architecture and Environment
- Telephone:+441173283066
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About me
Ben is an Associate Professor in Transport Planning working in UWE Bristol's Centre for Transport & Society. His interests span the planning, design and regulation of healthy built environments (from city to street scale) that support safe and efficient forms of mobility (efficient in terms of energy, space, time and cost), for all groups in society.
He is particularly interested in the implementation of built environments that support active travel; and in working across spatial planning, engineering / urban design and the behavioural sciences to achieve this.
Ben's work in Transport Planning brings together research, practice and education. He teaches all aspects of transport planning and engineering on undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes.
Selected research projects
On Active Travel:
- Active travel design guidance for new development (ATE)
- Cycling diversion factors (DfT)
On Behaviour Change:
- Active travel incentives and behaviour change (Bristol City Council)
- Young people's travel behaviour: What's changed and why (DfT)
- The right to park and undergraduate travel behaviour (UWE)
- Life transitions and travel behaviour (ESRC)
- Understanding how household car ownership changes over time (EPSRC PhD)
On Wellbeing and Social Impacts:
On Transport System Innovations:
- MultiCAV autonomous buses (Innovate UK)
- New technology and automation in freight transport and handling systems (Government Office for Science)
- VENTURER: Introducing driverless cars to UK roads (Innovate UK)
- MSc Transport Engineering and Planning (programme leader)
Area of expertise
- Transport planning and placemaking
- Changing travel behaviour
- Street and junction design (traffic engineering)
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Transport economics and appraisal
- Transport modelling
- Transport policy
- Social science research methods, with specialisms in longitudinal and mixed methods:
- panel data analysis
- mobility biography interviews
- application of the life course perspective