- Position:Senior Lecturer
- Telephone:+441173287402
About me
Current roles at UWE
· Research in Statistics
Member of the Mathematics and Statistics Research Group. Active research areas include: The use of artificial intelligence in learning and assessment; exploring statistical methods using simulation; applications in education, teaching and learning methods; and statistical disclosure control. Also involved in final year Mathematics project supervision, and Data Science masters project supervision, many of which leading to publication.
Member of the UWE Bristol AI Community of Practice and Working Group. Interests include developing modern teaching methods, including use of project-based learning, e-assessment and AI.
· Placements Lead, School of Computing and Creative Technologies
Module leader and placement contact for the school, covering 10 undergraduate degree programs.
· Programme Lead, MSc Data Science [online]
Programme and curriculum design and development at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for face to face delivery, online delivery, and delivery with international partnerships.
· Senior Lecturer in Statistics
Module leadership for statistics modules contributing to BSc Mathematics, MSc Data Science, MSc Data Science [online] and MSc Artificial Intelligence.
Previous Experience at UWE Bristol: Continuation lead for the Mathematics cluster. Teaching portfolio at all levels of the BSc Mathematics award with topics including: hypothesis testing; statistical modelling; time series analyses; as well as teaching to non-specialists.
Consultancy / analyses for: UWE Bristol implementation of BoostingReading@Primary; UWE Bristol intervention initiative; UWE Bristol espressomaths; UWE Bristol centre for appearance research; Environment Agency (England) air quality monitoring networks.
External and internal training in SPSS and R: Consumer Intelligence; UWE Bristol Garduate School.