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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Crafting
- New Instruments for Musical Expression
- Slow Technology
- Computing within Limits
- Human Computer Interaction
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:PhD; PGCert HE; BSc (Hons)
- Position:Associate Professor in Physcial Computing
- Department:FET - Computer Science and Creative Technologies
- Telephone:+441173287372
About me
I Assocate Professor in computer science in the School of Computer Science and Creative Technologies.
Area of expertise
My current research interests focus around Expressive Computer Interaction, with recent work looking at the design of new muscial instruments. I'm exploring these notions through a post-human lens, with a particular foucs of Computing within Limits and the immediate climate emergency.
Previous research has included GPGPU, compilers, and functional programming, and audio signal processing.