Dr Charlotte Edmunds

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  • Qualifications:BSc, BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, FHEA
  • Position:Senior Lecturer in Psychology
  • Department:School of Social Sciences
  • Email:Charlotte.Edmunds@uwe.ac.uk

About me

I am a cognitive scientist and experimental psychologist interested in people’s individual experiences of cognitive tasks, particularly learning and decision-making. I completed an undergraduate Maths degree at Imperial College London before moving to the University of Exeter to complete undergraduate and master’s courses in Psychology. I completed my PhD at the University of Plymouth with Prof. Andy Wills on critically examining a multiple-systems model of category learning. After a range of post-docs (covering a wide range of topics and five different institutions) and working for Public Health England, I landed at Bath Spa University where I worked for three years as a Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer, and joined UWE as Senior Lecturer in 2025. I am also an active member of the Psychological Sciences Research Group (PSRG).

My research generally focuses on experimental learning and decision-making and the formal models and theories we use to describe them. I am interested in how individuals learn and decide, as well as the faults and limitations of the research methods we use to investigate these phenomena. I’m accepting graduate students on any topic related to learning and decision-making, particularly if they are interested in running experiments, using eye-tracking or cognitive modelling.

Area of expertise

Learning; decision-making; applied cognition; experimental psychology; formal modelling; eye-tracking; behavioural science; research methods; Bayesian methods; open science; human-robot interaction.


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