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Department staff:
- Position:Senior Lecturer : Physical Geography
- Department:FET - Geography and Environmental Management
- Telephone:+4411732 82902
About me
Before my appointment at UWE, Bristol I completed a BSc degree in geography at the University of Nottingham before undertaking a PhD at the same institution. My PhD thesis aimed to develop and evaluate a method for representing river catchment sediment dynamics.
Alongside my PhD research I gained valuable experience working as: a scientist for Royal Haskoning’s River and Coastal Management Division; a researcher for the U.S. National Sedimentation Laboratory in Oxford, Mississippi; and a consultant for Nottingham University Consultants Limited.
In January 2010 I started my role as a lecturer in physical geography in UWE, Bristol's Department of Geography and Environmental Management. Since then I have become a senior lecturer and programme leader of the BSc Geography degree.
Area of expertise
My research is driven by a belief that the academic community has an important role to play in shaping the way society deals with our dynamic environment. Compliance with legislation such as the European Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive exerts multiple demands on the research community, including improving scientific understanding within the field of applied fluvial geomorphology. My principal research interests lie within applied fluvial geomorphology and, at present, cover the following areas:
1. Probabilistic modelling of river bank stability
2. Relating bed material transport to unit width stream power
3. Automatic delineation of functional river reach boundaries
4. Catchment-scale modelling of coarse sediment dynamics
5. Evaluation of the impact of large woody debris on river
channel processes
My teaching covers a range of modules but primarily focuses on river science, river management and research methods. Within my teaching I lead a range of practical teaching activities including:
- Using field techniques to assess the ecological status of river channels
- Using Flood Modeller software to predict flood risk from rivers
- Using ArcGIS software to predict erosion and deposition within river channels