- Position:Director : Bristol Robotics Laboratory
- Telephone:+4411732 86334
About me
Chris Melhuish BSc MSc PhD C.Eng FBCS FIET, is Professor of Robotics and Autonomous Systems at the University of Bristol and also Professor of Intelligent Autonomous Systems at the University of the West of England. He is the Director and founding member of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory and Vice chair of BARA-AFR. Prof. Melhuish has served on advisory Committees for EU Future Emerging Technologies, Information Society Advisory Group and the Public Private Partnership in Robotics. He has advised Government on Robotics and is a member of the Special Interest Group in Robotics and Autonomous Systems reporting to BIS Minister.
Area of expertise
Chris is interested and active in a range of robotics related areas of research which includes: how can robots safely co-operate with humans in shared tasks and how can robots help humans; robots that look after the infirm or aged, or in flexible assisted manufacturing are examples of this type of interaction. Prof. Melhuish has worked on swarm systems – ‘how can a lot of dumb robots collectively do something smart’ and such work may have relevance when, building, in the future, very small robots such as those which could travel inside human blood vessels. His work also includes bio-inspired robotics, medical robotics and has led to research interests in robots that convert biomass into electricity and soft robotics.