Miss Christie Antoniou

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About me

I commenced my academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Science, followed by the attainment of a Master's degree in Research, at the University of the West of England (UWE).

I am currently a final year PhD candidate at UWE, examining the cytotoxic effect of phytochemicals from olive leaf extract on leukaemic cell lines in culture. My research pursuits have consistently revolved around the realm of cancer biology, with a particular focus on exploring novel approaches to cancer therapies.

Area of expertise

Throughout my research journey, I have developed an understanding in biochemistry, cell biology, haematology, phytochemistry, and phytopharmaceutical biology, with a specific emphasis on their relevance to leukaemia and cancer pathology.

My adaptable skills include efficient management, prioritisation, and task execution. Additionally, I possess leadership experiences established through leading classes, specifically in the module Human Biological Systems (Forensic degree) and Studies of Biology of Disease (Biomedical degree), supervision of over 20 students from year 0 to advanced PhD levels and through practical demonstrations in a wider range of modules across Biomedical Science.


During my project, I learned how to interact within and perform the following techniques:

  • Tissue culture
  • Flow cytometry 
  • Western blotting
  • High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  • Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LCMS)
  • Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GCMS)
  • Quadrupole time of fight LCMS (Q-TOF LCMS)
  • Comet and micronucleus assay
  • Proteomic analysis

Additionally, more techniques include interaction with c. elegans, biochemical techniques, haematological and blood extraction techniques, microbiology techniques, and histological and immunohistochemistry techniques.


Throughout my academic journey, I have actively contributed to various educational and professional activities, for example:

  • Led practicals for year 1 and year 3 modules
  • Demonstrated for all modules in Biomedical science and a few in Forensic science
  • I prepared and delivered lectures to Master students, focusing on the topic of plants in medicine, highlighting the importance of this field
  • I provided personal supervision to a diverse cohort of students in a laboratory setting (BSc, MRes, MSc, PhDs, and visiting researchers) guiding them in improving and developing technical and soft skills 
  • Participated in the "Scientist like me" initiative at UWE, as a personal tutor to students that required additional support in their studies


I am dedicated to research and open to networking opportunities, collaborations, and discussions that drive forward the boundaries of knowledge and make a positive impact.


Antoniou, C. and Hull, J., (2021) The anti-cancer effect of Olea europaea L. products: A review. Current Nutrition Reports, 10, pp.99-124.


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