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Department staff:
- EPSRC Vivacity
- ESRC women in construction
- Nuffield school toilets
- RTPI gender mainstreaming
- Construction Industry Council
- Oxfam
- World Toilet Organisation
- British Standards Institute
- Building Research Establishment
- Cardiff University
- Glo Pent Global Pentecostalism research network
- AHRC Faith and Place Network
- UWE Staff Christian network.
- NERC and Manchester University Sustainable Sanitation in China and Royal Society Sanitation in China India and South America with Manchester University
- Toilet research with Glasgow University
Research staff:
- Gender
- Urban design
- town planning
- post-secular cities
- religion and planning
- disability
- accessibility
- public toilet provision
- Her publications embody her research interests. She has published over 12 books including research monographs with Routledge on gender and the planning and surveying professions
- Her book Inclusive Urban Design: Public Toilets published by the Architectural Press provides a comprehensive academic treatment of the subject and has contributed to the growth of the new field of ‘toiletology’
Teaching staff:
- She no longer lectures as such
- she is a guest speaker both in the UK and internationally on
- gender and planning
- public toilet provision
- inclusive urban design
- the relationship between town planning and religion
- Her book Planning in the UK published late 2014 by Palgrave Macmillan is a major teaching aid
- Qualifications:MRTPI, FCIOB, PhD, FRGS
- Position:Emerita Prof of Urban Planning
- Department:FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 83203
About me
Dr Clara Greed is emerita professor of inclusive urban planning and is now semi-retired but is still active in research, writing and campaigning. She is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and other built environment bodies. Clara's activities are focused upon the built environment, architecture, planning and urban social issues. She has become infamous for her research and publications on the importance of public toilet provision within the context of urban design and the social aspects of planning. Public toilets are the missing link in creating sustainable, equitable and accessible cities, and are an essential facility for people when walking, cycling and travelling by public transport. In recent years she has returned to her previous interest in urban theology and the relationship between religion and urban structure, and the emergence of the post-secular city. The link between toilets and places of worship is that they both 'social facilities' that cater for basic human needs but which are often trivialised, undervalued and overlooked by the planners.
Area of expertise
Whist she is interested in all aspects of urban spatial and social policy, her expertise focuses upon the social aspects of planning and has long worked on 'women and planning', gender, equality, disability, urban design, accessibility and other diversity issues including public toilet provision. She has served on British Standards committees and developed BS6456 Part 4 on Sanitary Installations which for the first time set requirements for public toilet provision. Currently she is completing research with the Building Research Establishment on the revision of workplace toilet provision. She continues to investigate the problems that Pentecostal mega-churches in the UK have in trying to getting planning permission to house their large congregations whether they can, including in ex-cinemas, community centres, industrial units. Given that many such churches comprise African and other non-traditional congregations there is an added element of racism to address too.