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Research staff:
- Qualifications:SFHEA, EdD, MA ODE, PGCE, BSc (Hons)
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- Department:School of Education and Childhood
- Telephone:+4411732 87022
About me
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education & Childhood. I am mainly involved with the PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. My areas of expertise are pedagogy in HE, learning design and digital pedagogy. I am also involved in various other aspects of supporting colleagues develop their academic practice, presently this includes contributing to the Programme and Module Leaders Development Programme and reviewing for the UWE Fellowship scheme. I have also recently completed an EdD (Doctorate in Education) researching academics' perspectives of pedagogic innovation in HE.
In my previous role at UWE, I was a Senior Learning Developer and academic based in the College of Business and Law and part of the Digital Learning Service. Co-leading a small team, my role involved leading and supporting projects and colleagues in enhancing pedagogic practice both in college and across the university. One of my key interests is learning design and I led programme (re)design processes across the college as well as offering individual coaching and workshops on all aspects of learning design. A significant part of this was encouraging the pedagogically appropriate use of digital tools to improve the student learning experience and staff teaching experience.
I joined UWE mid 2011 from a TEL (technology enhanced learning) role at Southampton Solent. I have a varied background in education having been a secondary teacher and careers adviser before moving into HE. I completed an MA in online & distance learning with the Open University in 2011 which included both researching on-line learning and experiencing the process as a student. I became a Senior Fellow of the HEA/Advance HE in 2018.
Area of expertise
My specialist interests include:
Learning design; technology enhanced learning; staff development; e-Portfolios; phenomenography