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- Qualifications:BSc. PGCertHE. MSc. PhD.
- Position:Professor and College Director of Post-Graduate Research
- Department:School of Engineering
- Telephone:+441173283998
About me
Colin Booth is both a scientist and an engineer who holds a PhD in environmental physics.
He is Professor of Smart and Sustainable Infrastructures and a Chartered Construction Manager for in the School of Engineering, based in the Bristol Robotics Laboratory at UWE, Bristol. He is also the College Director of Post-Graduate Research in the College of Arts, Technology and Environment at UWE, Bristol.
Previously, he was the Associate Head for Research and Scholarship in the School of Architecture and Environment (2012-2023), plus Director of the Construction and Property Research Centre, and a Director of the Centre for Floods, Communities and Resilience at UWE, Bristol.
He served as a educator and academic leader for many years before joining UWE. He was the Senior Research Leader in a School of Built Environment, a Reader in Construction Management, a Reader in Civil Engineering, an Overseas Tutor (Hong Kong), a Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering, a Research Project Manager (European Commission) and he also held several Post-doctoral Research Fellowship posts (inc. Leverhulme).
He is a renowned academic and research leader who has led and collaborated on research projects with academic and industry colleagues worldwide, supported by funds exceeding £16 million. He has published several textbooks (n=9), which have focussed on climate change, sustainable water engineering, urban pollution, sustainable development, amongst other themes, and he has also authored/co-authored a vast portfolio of peer-reviewed scientific publications (n>230). Further, he has a team of doctoral supervision successes (n=28) spanning the built and natural environment disciplines. His Google Scholar author metric scores are: citations = 3703; h-index = 32; and i10-index = 91, which are notably higher than the scores for most full professors in similar disciplines across the UK and overseas.
He is passionate about academic standards and quality. He continues to serve as an external BSc and MSc examiner (>15 years) and he has been involved in the validation of both undergraduate and postgraduate course the world over (e.g. Sri Lanka, Singapore, Hong Kong, amongst others). Further, he has been a national and international external PhD examiner (n=20) at many institutions (e.g. Loughborough, Heriot Watt, Brunel, Salford, Coventry, Portsmouth, Anglia Ruskin, amongst many others).
He has served as a committee member/reviewer for professional bodies (e.g. CIOB, RICS) and has been an invited/elected scientific committee member and chairman for a host of esteemed organisations and also conferences throughout Europe and beyond (e.g. Eire, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Malta, Cyprus, Colombia, Malaysia, and Nigeria). Further, he is a regular invited keynote presented at national and international events.
He holds the distinguished titles of Visiting Professor of Civil Engineering and Visiting Professor of Sustainability at prestigious international universities.
Area of expertise
Sustainability in the built environment
Environmental management (ISO14001) in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction sectors
Sustainable supply chains (BES6001)
Flooding and Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS),
Climate change adaptation strategies
Built environment studies
Urban pollution
Author/co-author of >220 peer-reviewed scientific papers and chapters. Links to a selection of his recent publications are listed beneath. Otherwise, see his Google Scholar profile at: