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- Qualifications:BSc (Civil Eng), MSc (Civil Eng), PhD (Civil Eng & Architecture), Doctor Europaeus, CEng, CMILT
- Position:Associate Professor of Sustainable Freight Futures
- Department:School of Architecture and Environment
- Telephone:+4411732 87549
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About me
Daniela is Associate Professor of Sustainable Freight Futures at the Centre for Transport and Society. She is a Chartered Civil Engineer, specialised in Transport and holds a European PhD (Doctor Europaeus) in Sustainable Freight Transport.
Her research interests include innovative, sustainable transport systems design, stakeholder engagement, co-design, decarbonisation, and policy implications. She has been Principal Investigator and Co-investigator of several research projects, as well as managing communications for international research collaborations. She has almost ten-year experience in designing and delivering research projects on sustainable urban freight solutions in the UK and Europe.
She led a Foresight freight technology review for Government Office for Science and has been involved in a series of reviews for the Department for Transport and UK funded projects on decarbonising future transport systems. She is first author of several academic works on sustainable and innovative freight.
Teaching: Daniela teaches across different modules within the MSc in Transport Engineering and Planning and is module leader of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management module within the MSc in Engineering Management at UWE Bristol.
PhD supervision: Daniela is open to supervise PhD students, particularly (but not exclusively) those interested in sustainable and innovative freight transport and logistics, including new technologies and decarbonisation, e-commerce, sustainable consumption and last-mile deliveries, circular supply chains. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss potential ideas and opportunities.
Since 2021, Daniela holds the Italian National Scientific Qualification ("Abilitazione scientifica nazionale"-ASN 2016) as Associate Professor of Mobility and Transport Studies – Civil Engineering.
"I am proud to contribute to the knowledge, understanding, and design of innovative and sustainable transport futures".
Area of expertise
Panels, Groups, Networks:
- Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT): Chartered member & Member of the Southwest regional committee.
- Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering, Italy: Chartered member.
- Transport, Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers Editorial Board: Member.
- Journal of Transport and Health: Managing Editor of a Special Issue on The role of Serious Games in transport planning.
- Southwest Freight Strategy stakeholder panel, Peninsula Transport, Western Gateway (Sub-National Transport Body): Member.
- Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (WISE ACT), COST Action (EU network of academics and professionals): Member and co-author of a final thematic report on Business Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Transport.
- Freight Innovation Cluster, Connected Places Catapult: Member.
- University Transport Study Group (UTSG): Network member.
Daniela's current projects:
- GATES - Governance and Trust in Emerging Systems: an inter-disciplinary analysis of smart governance and UK drone delivery systems (ESRC; Innovate UK).
- Triple Access Planning for Uncertain Futures – the future of urban accessibility and sustainable urban transport planning (ERA-NET - ESRC).
Recent projects include:
- Understanding challenges around last mile freight and opportunities for local intervention (LGA).
- D2D – Dock-to-Dock Hydrogen eVTOL Freight Transportation (Innovate UK).
- CoDe Zero – decarbonisation of urban freight systems in the North of England (Decarbon8 - EPSRC).
- CRAFTeD – stakeholder engagement to 'co-produce' a methodology and outline plan to decarbonise the freight system of South West England by 2050 (Decarbonising UK Freight Transport - EPSRC).
- WISE ACT - Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (EU - COST action).
- CAPRI – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles - CAVs (Innovate UK).
- VENTURER - challenges and drivers to wide scale adoption of CAV capability (Innovate UK).