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- Qualifications:BSc, PhD
- Position:Lecturer
- Department:School of Engineering
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About me
Dave (BSc, PhD, FHEA) acquired a degree in chemistry in the last century, followed by a PhD studying chemical reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons on the surface of Group I metals and alloys, (sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium; the ones that react explosively with water) funded by BP. This early experience engendered a strong appreciation for the way Health and Safety guides us in the design of experimental work. After a brief stint in the nuclear industry he changed tack to Department of Materials at Nottingham working on research projects in powder metallurgy, aluminium composite casting, hydrogen storage materials, automobile paint stripping and electrodeposition of alloy and nanocomposite coatings. By the end of this stint, he was part of the School of Engineering and his transformation to the dark side was complete. He had also accrued a wide-ranging skill set in experimentation and evaluation of a wide range of materials.
A lectureship at University of Leicester followed, where his interest in Surface Engineering continued and he developed a generic technique for producing nanocomposite electrodeposited coatings leading to an Innovate UK project: CHROMEFREE developing Ni based nanocomposite coatings with high hardness for tribological applications. He has supervised 6 PhD students to completion. He held roles as Chair of Health and Safety Committee, Second Year Tutor, Senior Tutor. He has taught first and second year labs, supervised ~ 100 individual projects, taught modules in Tribology, Surface Engineering, Properties and Production of Materials, and Composite Materials. He has accrued 5 nominations from students for “Superstar awards” by students for Best Personal Tutor, Best Lecturer(3) and Best Practice in Inclusive Learning and Teaching. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
In other areas of life, he is an ex-runner, ex-cyclist and slow walker. He has interests in: history, natural history, cricket, football, science fiction, collecting and painting toy soldiers, roleplaying, buying broken motorbikes for too much money, repairing them and selling them for too little money, occasionally riding motorbikes (currently, Royal Enfield Himalayan 411, Triumph Tiger 955i), van life and collecting antique swords. He has ADHD. It shows.
[1] C.I. Chiadikobi, R. Thornton, D. Statharas, D.P. Weston, The effects of deep cryogenic treatment on PVD-TiN coated AISI M2 high speed steel, Surface and Coatings Technology 493 (2024) 131248.
[2] D. Weston, D. Albusalih, H. Hilton-Tapp, D. Statharas, S. Gill, J. Navajas, J. Cornec, N. Weston, Nanocomposite Co-nSiC coatings electrodeposited from cobalt-gluconate bath via pulse reverse plating technique with anionic surfactant, Materials Chemistry and Physics 305 (2023) 127943.
[3] K. Ponhan, D. Weston, K. Tassenberg, Influence of SiC nanoparticle contents on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of AZ91D magnesium matrix composites synthesised through a combination of a master pellet feeding technique and stir casting assisted by ultrasonic vibration, Materials Today Communications 36 (2023) 106785.
[4] H. Hilton-Tapp, J. Kelly, D. Weston, Designing effective plating baths for use in the pulse-reverse plating of copper nanocomposite coatings, Transactions of the IMF 101(4) (2023) 179-188.
[5] D. Albusalih, D. Weston, K. Al Adily, S. Gill, Production of the electroplated nano composites Ni-SiC by PRP and anionic surfactant, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, 2023.
[6] K. Ponhan, K. Tassenberg, D. Weston, K.G. Nicholls, R. Thornton, Effect of SiC nanoparticle content and milling time on the microstructural characteristics and properties of Mg-SiC nanocomposites synthesized with powder metallurgy incorporating high-energy ball milling, Ceramics International 46(17) (2020) 26956-26969.
[7] M. Matbouei, D. Weston, X. Liang, S. Hainsworth, An investigation of the effect of temperature on the oxidation processes of metallic diesel engine fuel system materials and B100 biodiesel from used cooking oil in exposure testing, Fuel 285 (2020) 119063.
[8] D. Albusalih, S. Gill, D. Weston, F. Altmann, Production of electroplated Co-Al2O3 nanocomposites by pulse reverse plating (PRP) and anionic surfactant, Transactions of the IMF 97(4) (2019) 203-216.
[9] H. Zhou, S. Gnanasambandam, M. Foresta, F. Li, M.L. Blanc, D. Weston, J. Pan, Life prediction of phosphor bronze reinforcing tape used in underground power cables, Corrosion 74(5) (2018) 530-542.
[10] M. Foresta, S. Gnanasambandam, D. Weston, F. Li, J. Pan, M. Le Blanc, Corrosion fatigue of phosphor bronze reinforcing tapes on underground power transmission cables-Failure analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis 91 (2018) 507-515.
[11] E.J. Watkinson, R.M. Ambrosi, D. Kramer, H.R. Williams, M. Reece, K. Chen, M. Sarsfield, C. Barklay, H. Fenwick, D.P. Weston, Sintering trials of analogues of americium oxides for radioisotope power systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials 491 (2017) 18-30.
[12] S. Kandemir, H.V. Atkinson, D.P. Weston, S.V. Hainsworth, Thixoforming of A356/SiC and A356/TiB 2 nanocomposites fabricated by a combination of green compact nanoparticle incorporation and ultrasonic treatment of the melted compact, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (2014) 5782-5798.
[13] D. Weston, S. Gill, M. Fay, S. Harris, G. Yap, D. Zhang, K. Dinsdale, Nano-structure of Co–W alloy electrodeposited from gluconate bath, Surface and Coatings Technology 236 (2013) 75-83.
[14] D. Weston, Y. Zhu, D. Zhang, C. Miller, D. Kingerley, C. Carpenter, S. Harris, N. Weston, Co-electrodeposition of inorganic fullerene (IF-WS2) nano-particles with cobalt from a gluconate bath with anionic and cationic surfactants, Electrochimica acta 56(19) (2011) 6837-6846.
[15] T.E. Price, D.M. Grant, D. Weston, T. Hansen, L.M. Arnbjerg, D.B. Ravnsbæk, T.R. Jensen, G.S. Walker, The effect of H2 partial pressure on the reaction progression and reversibility of lithium-containing multicomponent destabilized hydrogen storage systems, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133(34) (2011) 13534-13538.
[16] D. Weston, S. Harris, P. Shipway, N. Weston, G. Yap, Establishing relationships between bath chemistry, electrodeposition and microstructure of Co–W alloy coatings produced from a gluconate bath, Electrochimica Acta 55(20) (2010) 5695-5708.
[17] D. Weston, S. Harris, H. Capel, N. Ahmed, P. Shipway, J. Yellup, Nanostructured Co–W coatings produced by electrodeposition to replace hard Cr on aerospace components, Transactions of the IMF 88(1) (2010) 47-56.
[18] D. Weston, P. Shipway, S. Harris, M. Cheng, Friction and sliding wear behaviour of electrodeposited cobalt and cobalt–tungsten alloy coatings for replacement of electrodeposited chromium, Wear 267(5-8) (2009) 934-943.
[19] A. Kennedy, D. Weston, M. Jones, Reaction in Al–TiC metal matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A 316(1-2) (2001) 32-38.
[20] R.J. Pulham, D.P. Weston, T.A. Salvesen, J.J. Thatcher, CAESIUM PROPYNIDE, CSCCCH3; CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND INFRARED SPECTRUM, Journal of chemical research. Synopses (6) (1995) 254-255.
Area of expertise
Materials Chracterisation.
Light alloy casting.