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- Qualifications:BA Hons MA ACII
- Position:Directorof Accreditations
- Department:FBL - Accounting, Economics and Finance
- Telephone:+4411732 83411
About me
Debbie joined UWE from the insurance industry in the late 80's, orginally teaching professional programmes . She has held a varity of roles including Programme Manager, Faculty Leader of Student Support and Guidance and is now Deputy Head of Department for Accounting Economics and Finance and Faculty Director of Accreditations, leading the Business School's journey to AACSB membership . She is an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and has a Mastes in Applied Social Research. She has a special interest in widening participation and access for disabled students. She has carried out research into plagirism prevention and the promotion of academic integrity. Her subject specialism is pesonal financial planning with a keen academic interest in pension policy and structures in the UK. She also has a key role and interest in curriculum innovation and quality enhancement, chairing the Faculty Curriculum Review Group.
Area of expertise
Plagairism and Academc Integrity & Literacy
UK Pensions policy and structures