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Research staff:
- Qualifications:PhD, Habilitation, A. Prof
- Position:Associate Professor - Computer Science
- Telephone:+4411732 81060
About me
I'm a Senior Memeber of the ACM, AGYA, and a fellow of HEA. I joined the UWE in Dec 2019. Prior to that, I was a senior research Scientist (director of research) and deputy director at CERIST research Center,. My research Interests include IoT (Internet of Things), Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, Smart City and machine learning applications. I'm voluntary contributing to many scholar activities including the organization of many international conferences/workshops and serving as editor/guest-editor/reviewer for many journals. I published more than 140 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. I have been visiting researcher to many renowned universities including SICS, university of Cape town, UPC Barcelona, University of Padova, NTNU, and the university of Oxford. Link to my Google profile