Mr Dom McLernon

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  • Qualifications:MSc, PGCert, LLB, BSc, RNMH, SCPHN, FHEA
  • Position:Senior Lecturer
  • Department:Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences (HAS)
  • Telephone:+441179656261

About me

I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of London, initially in Law (graduating from King's) followed by Mental Health Nursing (graduating from City) where I received the School of Health Sciences' Academic Achievement Award.  I have undertaken postgraduate studies in Public Health and Education at UWE Bristol.  My clinical work, in both the United Kingdom and Australia, has largely involved working alongside men who present a higher risk of violence and aggression, and alongside school age children (5-19 years old).  I spent several years working in NHS corporate services specialising in clinical audit, governance and quality improvement methodology.

My academic interests include religious identity in healthcare practice, religion as a social determinant of health and wellbeing and public debate around the mental and emotional wellbeing of children, particularly concerns around over-pathologisation. 

I am a Christian Faith Representative and I am available for one-to-one conversations, pastoral care and advice from a faith perspective.  For futher information, please refer to the UWE Chaplaincy Webpage.


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