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- Qualifications:DPhil, MSc, BSc
- Position:Research Fellow in Active Travel and Micromobility
- Department:School of Architecture and Environment
- Telephone:+44117 965 6261
About me
Eda is a research fellow in Active Travel and Micromobility at the University of West of England, Centre for Transport & Society (CTS). Prior to joining the CTS, she was an associate professor of urban planning at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), where she also founded IstanbulON Urban Mobility Lab, a platform bringing universities together with businesses, local authorities and communities to coproduce inclusive, sustainable and innovative mobility solutions.
Eda holds degrees in urban planning (BSc and MSc, ITU) and transport geography (DPhil, University of Oxford). Her research focuses on socio-spatial inequalities created by transport infrastructures, mobility-driven inequalities, gendered and classed mobilities, and low-carbon cities. Eda was the stakeholder participation and engagement expert in Istanbul's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), the first SUMP conducted in a megacity. She also worked as a consultant for the Istanbul Pedestrian Master Plan and various projects and plans focusing on sustainable mobility with international and national partners. In 2022-2023, Eda was an Urban Studies Foundation International Fellow based at the University of Manchester, investigating the daily mobility experiences of female domestic workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Selected research projects
Area of expertise
socio-spatial justice; transport-related inequalities; sustainable urban mobility; stakeholder participation and engagement; gendered mobilities