Ms Elena Blanco

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  • Qualifications:Lic. Derecho (UCM) MA (UCM) LLM (London)
  • Position:Associate Professor of International Economic Law - School of Law
  • Department:FBL - Law
  • Telephone:+4411732 82323

About me

 I am an Associate Professor of International Economic Law at the Bristol Law School, My work sits at the intersection between public and private international law, and revolves around coloniality, postcapitalism, regulation of TNCs and the linked climate, environmental and democrac crises of neoliberal corporate globalisation. 

I hold law degrees from three different countries and worked in practice on international arbitration and litigation and as a consultant on Spanish Law.

My research is centered around issues of distributional justice and access to natural resources, international investment law, environmental justice, corruption, bribery and good governance and litigation against corporate actors.

I supervise a variety of disertations and higher research degrees in these and related topics and I am always happy to collaborate with new and established researchers and community organisations. Local engagement is high in my priorities.

At the moment my reserach is focussed on three cross fertilising areas:  
1. Extra-territorial litigation strategies for environmental 
2. Exposing the injustices and colonial roots of contemporary globalisation
3. Constructing a post-capitalist sustainable future that includes 'commoning', resistance to injustice and cooperation.

Outside academia aI love sunny and warm places ( and people!), the sea, travelling, dogs,  wild beaches and abstract art.

Area of expertise

International Arbitration.

Environmental Justice.

Litigation against Multinational Companies

International litigation and private international law.
International Investment Law.
Globalisation and International Economic Law.
Trade, Investment and Sustainable Resource Use.
Spanish Law


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