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- Qualifications:MEng (Hons) CEng IMechE SFHEA
- Position:School Director- Academic
- Department:College of Arts, Technology and Environment School of Engineering
- Telephone:+4411732 81375
About me
With a background in Building Services and Sustainability, Fabia started her career as a consultant in AECOM and then from 2013 to 2017, was leading the Energy agenda at UWE Bristol as Energy Manager. Her role as Energy Manager covered setting the Carbon and Water Management strategies; metering, monitoring and reporting energy use; energy procurement contracts; energy efficient operations; design advice for new buildings and refurbishments; and championing Soft Landings. Due to the significant level of masterplanning works at UWE Bristol's main Frenchay Campus, this opened opportunities for a district heating network to be installed and a major solar photovoltaic project. Fabia also worked with the university's academics in sharing best practice and providing real-life learning opportunities for their students.
UWE Bristol won Go Green 2016 award for 'Energy and Efficiency – Most Improved'; and won Highly Commended for the 2016 EAUC Green Gown award for 'Built Environment'.
Fabia moved to the academic side of UWE in March 2017 as a Senior Lecturer in Energy Engineering and Building Services, within the Faculty of Environment and Technology. She taught on Energy Management, Sustainability and Energy Simulations topics, as well as wider fundamental Engineering Principles and Mechanical Services Theory. She is committed to teaching excellence and has presented at the 2020 UWE Teaching and Learning Expertise symposium about her peer-CPD summer series to develop Online Voice for Teaching. In 2021, she achieved her Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in 2021. Fabia has also been an active member of the department such as being on the Athena Swan team, and Programme Representative on the Faculty's ASQC (Academic Standards and Quality Committee) in 2021.
Fabia won two Student Experience Awards in 2020 for Teaching for Sustainable Development and in 2021 for Teaching for Equalities.
Across 2021-2023, Fabia worked as Interim Head of the Department for Architecture and the Built Environment, and Geography and Planning. And now, she is the School Director - Academic for the School of Engineering.
Area of expertise
Energy Management; Carbon and Water Management strategies; Metering, monitoring and reporting energy use; Energy procurement contracts; Energy efficient operations; Design advice for new buildings and refurbishments; Soft Landings; Energy Audits; District Heating; Combined Heat and Power; Solar Photovoltaics (PV); Renewables; Low and Zero Carbon Buildings; Behaviour Change; User Controls; Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE).