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- Position:Director of Research and Enterprise and Professor of Leadership and Community Studies
- Telephone:+4411732 81707
Area of expertise
My research centres around the idea of distributed or dispersed leadership, but taking this approach to leadership from a community perspective. I am also interested in cultural approaches to leadership, such as language, symbolism and social networks. In the past I have conducted research and written papers on a number of variables - hierarchical level, departmental affiliation, 360-degree perceptions and gender using the theory of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership.
Other areas of interest centre on leadership development, particularly experiential leadership development. I have been involved in a number of applied research projects that have tried to identify leadership best practice in differing organisations and sectors in the UK. This has provided a wealth of data to draw on for future research into leadership development and could provide useful case study material for teaching purposes.