Dr Glennie Moore

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  • Qualifications:PhD, MSc, Master’s degree, BSc
  • Position:Senior Lecturer
  • Telephone:+4411732 81504

About me

Glennie (she/her/hers) currently works as a senior lecturer at the University of the West of England (UWE). She currently teaches in economics and sociology at UWE. She is an intersectional feminist, anti-racist, and decolonial activist-educator-thinker. Prior to joining UWE, she completed PhD studies at SOAS University of London and she taught in Development Studies and Politics and International Studies departments at SOAS University of London. Her interests and focus are on global social justice topics relating to race, racism, colourism, anti-racism, feminism, gender, intersectional inequalities, colonial legacies, and decolonisation.  

Please note that student support hours are by appointment. Please email for an appointment. UWE email: glennie.moore@uwe.ac.uk.


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