Mrs Grazyna Wiejak-Roy

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:MA, MSc, FRICS, SFHEA
  • Position:Senior Lecturer - [Urban Economics and Real Estate]
  • Department:FET - Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Telephone:+4411732 84385

About me

I am a Senior Lecturer in Urban Economics and Real Estate at the School of Architecture and Environment at the University of the West of England. Prior to joining UWE, I gained nearly 20 years of experience in real estate consultancy at EY, PwC, and KPMG in the UK, Europe, and Australia.

I am a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a Chartered Valuation Surveyor, RICS assessor, RICS programme accreditation advisor,  past member of RICS governing bodies in Poland and Australia.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and assessor for AdvanceHE.

I hold MA in Economics, MSc in Property Appraisal and Management and PGCert in Academic Practice.

I am a co-founder of LINK - Land – International Network for Knowledge, where I am responsible for the Education and Professional Development stream. If you are interested, please e-mail me or visit LINK – Land – International Network for Knowledge (

Please follow this link to for details of the 3rd International Land Management Conference (14-15 March 2024) - 3rd International Land Management Conference, 14-15 March 2024 – LINK (

I am a trustee of the Aubrey Barker Fund (

I am an active member of FIG (International Federation of Surveyors) Commission 2 (FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education) and Commission 9 (FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate). With FIG, I am currently conducting a global study on Real Estate Market Transparency, if you are a surveyor, please respond to our survey:

Grazyna Wiejak-Roy (0000-0002-3685-7570) - ORCID

Area of expertise

Economics, real estate


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