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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Participation and participatory decision-making
- children and young people
- wellbeing
- Gender and Gendered 'Justice'
- Child Protection & Safeguarding
- child rights
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:BA (Hons), MSc, PGDipSW, PGCHE.
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Social Work
- Department:HAS - Allied Health Professions
- Telephone:+4411732 82723
About me
I qualified as a social worker in 2013 (University of Bristol) after which I worked primarily with children, young people and their families across a number of local Auithorities in the south west. I hold additional qualifications including Advanced Childcare Social Work and Teaching for Higher Education.
I have worked in Higher Education since 2017 in various establishments including The Open University and on the Frontline program. I have worked at UWE since 2022.
My research interests lay primarily in participation and decision making in childcare social work particularly in relation to care experienced young people. My publications centre around these topics. My future reserach interests laying briding the divide between participatory research and theory and putting these into practice in child and family social work.
Area of expertise
Childcare Social Work (Stautory)
Systemic Approaches to Childcare Social Work
Participation of Children in decision making
Childcare Law for Social Work
Practice Learning and PEPS