- Position:Senior Lecturer in Healthy Urban Environments
- Telephone:+441173281055
- Email:Heather.Rumble@uwe.ac.uk
About me
Dr Heather Rumble is a Senior Lecturer in Healthy Urban Environments, with a background in urban ecology and green infrastructure. Her research is cross-cutting, spanning the physical and social sciences. Her main interests focus on how we can make cities more biodiverse places, how we can maximise the benefits of this for human wellbeing and how we can engage and empower communities as part of that process.
Heather’s recent research has focussed on widening participation in environmental science, through working with underrepresented groups as well as developing methods to democratise soil science. She works with local authorities and industry to understand how to identify and overcome common blockers to urban biodiversity/green infrastructure provision. She has also worked on community gardening as a tool for understanding the importance of biodiversity for wellbeing. Her long-standing research has centred around improving the biodiversity provision of green roofs. Heather also undertakes consultancy, providing advice on how to encourage biodiversity into urban areas and advising on urban ecology; Recently she has worked with a school and an artist on urban biodiversity projects.
Heather teaches undergraduate, MSc and CPD programmes at UWE, specialising in designing healthy, sustainable places and teaching methods to assess how the urban environment impacts health and wellbeing. She has a particular emphasis on understanding the role of nature in human health and wellbeing, as well as the more technical elements of designing green infrastructure for biodiversity for provision.
Heather is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE).
Heather welcomes enquiries about PhD supervision in the areas of urban ecology and green infrastructure.