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Department staff:
- Avon University Libraries in Collaboration (AUILC)
- South Western Regional Library Services (SWRLS)
- Share the Vision
Research staff:
- Academic Literacy
- Library Services
- Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
- Impact evaluation
- Coaching and mentoring
- Inclusive curriculum
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- Qualifications:BA (Hons), PG Dip, PGC(HE), FCLIP, SFHEA
- Position:Deputy Director of Library Careers and Inclusivity
- Department:Library Services
- Telephone:+4411732 83768
About me
My role is Deputy Director of Library Services. I work closely with the faculty and subject librarians and our customer facing colleagues to ensure that our services are relevant to the needs of all library members and that library staff are integrated into the working practices of the faculties, e.g. in terms of curriculum development, resource planning (reading lists), etc. I have a keen interest in equality and diversity issues and am particularly proud of the disability support provided by Library Services. We now offer a more fully integrated and inclusive study skills service (Learning Hub) having integrated the university's Access and Learning strategies team into the library, and are now working alongside the specialist study skills and mentoring support professionals supporting neurodiverse students.
I have a keen interest in staff development and encouraging reflection and sharing of learning and have led on the introduction of a coaching approach throughout the library and the wider university.
I am chair of the University's Academic Literacy Forum and joint lead on the Coaching Approaches project which is part of the university's Target Operating Model (TOM) activities. I am a member of UWE's Learning Teaching and Student Experience Committee (LTSEC) , the Starting Block and Student Life Working groups.
A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, I am involved in mentoring prospective Fellows and assessing Fellowship applications.
I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I assess applications from UWE colleagues to become Fellows of the HEA.
Area of expertise
Leadership; staff development; learning and teaching; librarianship; academic literacy; coaching and mentoring