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Department staff:
- Hainan Medical University
- SHAPE Hong Kong.
- Villa College Maldives
- Singapore Institute of Techology
- University in Tromso
- Norway.
Research staff:
- Physiotherapy Independent Prescribing
- Advanced practice
- First Contact Physiotherapy
- professional identity
Teaching staff:

- Qualifications:D.Clin.Res., M.Sc., Grad.Dip.Phys., M.C.S.P., P.G. Cert. (HE)
- Position:Associate Director: Partnerships and International
- Department:College of Health, Science and Society
- Telephone:+4411732 88859
About me
I am Associate Director: Partnerships and International within the School of Health and Social Wellbeing at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. The school encompasses nursing and midwifery, allied health professions, public health, environmental health, and social work.
I lead on development and implementation of the school's strategy for partnerships; locally, nationally, and internationally.
Within this I specifically lead on: -
- The international portfolio for the School of Health and Social Wellbeing, including International Partnerships, Trans National Education, and international student recruitment and support.
- Workforce development and Continuing Professional Development: working with partner organisations to develop, grow, align, and enhance our educational provision at all levels to meet the contemporary needs of health and social care services.
The role involves working with a range of health and education professionals and multiple agencies across both national and international settings.
I am UWE's partnership lead for UWE College of Hainan Medical University in Haikou, China. Our UWE/Hainan partnership forms a UK/China Joint Education Institute delivering a suite of MSc and BSc health and social care programmes in Hainan, including in International Nursing Practice, Public Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Imaging.
My professional background is as a Chartered Physiotherapist with a speciality of critical care, trauma and cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. Key previous employers include University College London Hospitals Trust, and Brunel University.
In 2021, I was awarded a Doctor of Clinical Research (University of Exeter) with a thesis title of "The Experiences of Physiotherapy Independent Prescribing in Primary Care: Implications for Professional Identity and Practice". Additionally, I hold a MSc in Health Promotion (University of Manchester), a PG Cert in Higher Education (Brunel University) and a Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff).
Through my practice, education, and research, I have developed an interest in the evolution of health professions, advanced practice, innovative models of service delivery and the professional identity and practice implications these may have. Alongside this, I am keen to explore the educational needs of practitioners and subsequent development of educational provision, both from a UK and international perspective.
My current role enables me to embrace and effectively combine my research and education interests in health and social care, advanced practice, and workforce development, alongside my passion for international health education, collaborations, and partnerships.
Area of expertise
Development of curricular and implementation of programmes for education of health practitioners both nationally and internationally - at undergraduate and post graduate level (including Continuous Professional Development).