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- Qualifications:Principal Fellow HEA, MA, BSc Hons, PGCE
- Position:Director of Learning and Teaching and Deputy Head of Department: Education and Childhood
- Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
- Telephone:+4411732 81042
About me
As the Deputy Head: Education and Childhood, I support the strategic and operational development of a nationally leading department in Education. I bring a diverse background in education and management to enhance the already successful academic and support team at UWE.
My background in higher education began as a student, studying Sport and Applied Science at Loughborough University. During this time, I focused not only upon science related subjects such as biomechanics, physiology and kinesiology also social sciences such as sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Upon graduating, I entered the sector as an educator, teaching in both Higher Education and Further Education whilst completing my PGCE and then, shortly afterwards, my Masters in Education at UWE. Within my time in education I have been a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department Manager, Academy Director, Quality Manager and the higher education strategic lead for learning and teaching. Contemporaneous to these management roles, over the last five years, I have also programme led higher education teacher qualifications such as the PG-Cert HE, the Professional Certificate in Academic Practice and the MA Education.
In 2018 I was awarded Principal Fellowship of the HEA for my strategic commitment to education. This Fellowship was underpinned by addressing the culture of HE in a college setting, and the variation of academic practice in this sector. I was also required to highlight the strategic initiatives I have designed and implemented, working closely with academic staff and students, that have enhanced higher education. These included peer collaboration models, staff mentoring and training, the use of digital technologies in HE, Universal Design for learning and how scholarship can inform educational practice.
Area of expertise
I am an experienced manager/lecturer of higher education learning and teaching who has project managed many pedagogic initiatives such as lecture capture, technology enhanced learning, virtual learning environments and flipped/blended learning. Within this I have created staff mentoring and training programmes to support academics to enhance their own professional practice.