Dr Jane Carter

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About me

I originally trained in law but soon became interested in teaching through volunteer work with children in inner-city Bristol. I was a primary classroom teacher for many years before becoming a deputy head teacher. I then moved into a local authority literacy support and school improvement role. I am now a senior lecturer at UWE and teach on a number of programmes from undergraduate Initial Teacher Education to education doctoral programmes. I am also engaged in a number of research projects.

I was awarded the HEA National Teaching Fellowship in 2013 and as part of this award, travelled to the USA to research reading and literacy teaching and learning in a range of different schools in urban and rural areas.  


Area of expertise

I am passionate about the teaching of English and in particular the teaching of reading.

My research interests are focused on all aspects of literacy with a particular interest in the teaching of early reading and comprehension as well as approaches to engaging all children and families with reading. This work includes an interest in community Funds of Knowledge and anti-racist pedagogies that can help with better understanding language and literacy learning. In addition, I have an interest in teacher education and teacher educators and how they navigagte policy and practice. 

My doctoral thesis explored the impact of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check on children and teachers.

Following this I have been involved with the Erasmus Plus Project 'Open the Door for Reading' and this led to a UWE VC Early Career Researcher award, implementing some of the initiatives from this project into Bristol schools' and Early Years' contexts.

I worked with a multi-disciplinary team at UWE and the University of Zululand funded by the a British Academy Tackling Global Challenges award to design and  implement a mobile phone app that aimed to support teachers and student teachers in rural and township schools in South Africa with the teaching of comprehension.

I completed a successful research project with Dr Sarah Whitehouse and Dr Karan Vickers-Hulse funded by the Society for Education Studies with a focus on the accreditation process for teacher education. 

I am working with Dr Sarah Whitehouse as part of the Cicea network, designing teaching and learning materials with a focus on using significant historical events to support children explore what is meant by 'tolerance'. This work is currently being implemented in a range of Bristol Primary Schools. As part of the this work we received a grant to collaborate with Malmo in Sweden with a focus on ITE student preparation for inclusive teaching using 'human rights' to reflect on anti-racist pedagogies. 

I completed a funded project exploring the use of science literary texts in schools and another longer term project researching the impact of the BR@P reading intervention on children and student teachers who implement it. 

All of this work has culminated in the publication of a book 'Putting Social Justice at the Heart of Reading for Pleasure'.

I collaborated on a funded project with colleagues at UWE exploring the impact across our UWE College (CHSS) of lecturers who had spent the first part of their careers in the health or teaching professions -  'practice first' university educators. 

I currently supervise a number of doctoral students. 



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