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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Ethnography and Qualitative Research Methods
- Prison Labour
- Rehabilitation and Employment
- Invisible Labour
- Maternity Leave
- Humour in Organisations
- Business Ethics
Teaching staff:
- Position:Associate Professor in Organisation Studies
- Department:FBL - Business and Management
- Telephone:+441173286109
About me
Jenna Pandeli is an Associate Professor in Organisation Studies interested in using qualitative methodologies, namely ethnography, to provide a greater understanding of the everyday experiences of work. She has a special interest in prison labour and invisible forms of work. She was awarded the SAGE prize for Excellence and Innovation 2020 for her publication in Work, Employment and Society, 'Captives in Cycles of Invisibility'. She is currently undertaking two projects: 1) Collaborating with a charity, Project Remake, to create, deliver and evaluate enterprise education for previously incarcerated people, 2) Researching women's experiences of maternity leave during the covid pandemic. You can find out more about this project here: The Invisible Labour of Maternity Leave in a Global Pandemic. | Bristol Leadership and Change Centre blog
I am interested in supervising postgraduate research in the areas of prison labour, prison leaver employment, ethnographic studies, studies of motherhood and invisible work.
My office hours are flexible and change weekly. I am usually available to meet students on Tuesdays 1pm-2pm. Please get in touch via email if you would like to meet. Meetings can be in-person or online.
Non-Academic Outputs include:
· Blog Post for Human Resource, Work & Employment – Maternity Research Project -
· Research featured in a Financial Times piece 2022– ‘Orange collar’ workers are not the best solution to labour shortages | Financial Times (
· 'Futures of Work' Blog Post -A Money-Making Cycle of Incarceration: The Private Sector and UK Prison Labour - 2019.
· Invited Panel Member on the BBC World Service Podcast ‘In the Balance’ to discuss prison labour 2019-
· Blog Post for The American Sociological Associations project, 'Work-in- Progress' (2018) Privatised profit inside prisons: real work for prisoners or invisible exploitation? Work-in-Progress – The American Sociological Association.
Academic Publications can be found below: