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- Qualifications:BSc, MSc, PhD
- Position:Professor of Clean Air / Director of the AQMRC / Programme Leader: MSc Environmental Management / MSc Environmental Consultancy
- Department:FET - Geography and Environmental Management
- Telephone:+441173281626
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About me
Jo has more than 20 years' research experience in air quality management, policy and practice at local, national, European and international levels. She is Director of the Air Quality Management Resource Centre, University of the West of England, Bristol, where she has been employed since 2008, and where she completed her PhD researching the effectiveness of Local Air Quality Management. Jo has worked with and on behalf of numerous local authorities, Defra and the Devolved Administrations of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Greater London, other Member States, the EEA and the European Commission to implement and develop air quality management policies and practices.
Jo's main research interest is urban air pollution, particularly road traffic-related, helping to understand and raise awareness of the health and environmental justice issues relating to local air pollution, and other urban stressors, to shape and influence policies that improve public health in towns and cities globally. She has undertaken air quality-related evidence reviews for the Scottish Government, EEA and NICE. She led on stakeholder engagement research on the CADTIME project in Delhi to inform development of mitigation actions, and undertook citizen engagement analysis to develop bottom-up policy implementation on the EU ClairCity project. She has advised an Environment Agency/Defra initiative to redesign the UK's air quality monitoring network, and supported the Environment Agency, in collaboration with Defra and the UK Health Security Agency, on air quality and inequalities research. Jo is a member of the Welsh Government Independent Review Panel supporting the review of Air Quality Direction Feasibility Studies and advises Defra as a member of the Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG).
Jo leads on the development and delivery of IAQM-accredited CPD training on Air Quality Management, runs a Masters level module in Air Quality Management, and lectures on Air Quality on a number of interdisciplinary modules across UWE. Jo has also lectured in GIS, in which she has an MSc. Jo is the Programme Leader for the IES-, IEMA- and CIWEM-accredited MSc Environmental Management ( and MSc Environmental Consultancy ( programmes. She has also been an External Examiner for the Open University's MSc Environmental Management.
Jo is currently Director of Studies for three PhD students (Omar Abdulwahab, Roberto Rivera Fernandez and Aminreza Omranian Khorasani) and has supervised two to completion (Louis Brown [2023] and Huw Brunt [2018]), and progression-examined several PhDs.
Jo is Co-Chair of the Air Pollution conference series, and is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Jo also served for many years on the Royal Society of Chemistry's Environmental Chemistry Group Committee, as Honorary Secretary and, latterly, as Honorary Treasurer.
Jo was awarded the Nurul Leksmono Memorial Award for her PhD, the Department's Researcher of the Year 2014/15, and Researcher with Impact in the 2015 UWE Staff Awards.
Jo is the AQMRC's media contact and a University Alliance Media Champion.
Area of expertise
Air Quality Management; GIS​; Environmental Justice; Environmental Management; Environmental Consultancy;