Mrs Joanne Munyard

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  • Qualifications:MEd; HEA Fellowship
  • Position:Senior Lecturer Early Childhood and Education
  • Department:School of Education and Childhood
  • Telephone:+4411732 82335

About me

I have 25 years experience working within education. This includes teaching within Early Years, Primary, Further Education and Higher Education.  My career began as a Primary Teacher of ten years.  I then moved into Early Years teaching and lecturing within this field.  I have lectured in Early Years and Education and have taken leadership roles within these programmes. 

At present I am a Senior Lecturer at  the University of the West of England in Education and Early Childhood.  I teach on our Early Childhood Degree, Education Degree and am I a tutor on our Early Years Teacher Status (EYITT) postgraduate programme. I am also a school governor.

Area of expertise

My areas of expertise  are in leadership, professional identity and educational policy.  I have a strong interest in the impact that graduates make to the educational experiences of children, the quality of settings and how graduate professional identity develops.  I am currently a Doctoral Student and my research  'Who am I? A Constructivist Grounded Theory exploration of the professional identity development of graduates within the early years workforce in England' explores these areas of interest.  At present I am also working on a collaborative research project Early childhood graduates in the workplace: Experiences and perceptions (2024) funded through the Early Childhood Studies Degree Network.


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