Professor John Hancock

Profile Photo
  • Qualifications:BSc, PhD
  • Position:Professor of Cell Signalling
  • Department:College of Health, Science and Society School of Applied Sciences
  • Telephone:+441173282475

About me


I am a professor at UWE, having been here for over 30 years. I teach molecular biology and biochemistry, and do research on cell signalling. I have had many administration roles at UWE, and presently I am Chair of the University Ethics and Integrity Commitee (UEIC). 

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I am the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Oxygen: Oxygen | About (

Area of expertise

I have had a long standing interest in cell signalling and redox biology. I try to bring these together as much as possible in my research. I authored "Cell Signalling" by OUP and have published several reviews on nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species, and most recently on hydrogen sulfide and molecular hydrogen.

More recently I have been writing books on animal behaviour and welfare. "Why Elephants Cry" (CRC Press) was published mid-'23, and "Animal Welfare in a Pandemic: What does COVID-19 tell us for the future?" (also CRC Press) was published in '24.  


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