Dr Juliet Edmonds

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  • Qualifications:M.A Science Education; MSc. Environmental Change. Ed D
  • Position:Programme Leader IPGCE
  • Department:ACE - Education and Childhood
  • Telephone:+4411732 84161
  • Email:Juliet.Edmonds@uwe.ac.uk

About me

I​ taught in London primary schools as a science specialist. I went on to be an advisory teacher for Science and Assessment at Hammersmith and Fulham. My career in Science Education began at Brunel University, West London. I worked on the Primary Committe for the ASE as well as on the London Regional Commitee.

I  advised Friends of the Earth on their Educational Materials and Strategy

I​ was an evaluator on the EU Framework 7 project ' Engineer' and worked on a follow up Engineering Professor's Council project 'Children as engineers'. I received a HEFCE bid to evaluate a combined engineering and science teaching initiative and a university award on the role of parents in aspirations towards engineering. I completed a Vice Chancellor Early Career Researcher grant exploring how children gain science and engineering capital and how that influences their career aspirations.

I am an associate fellow of the Science Communication Unit at UWE.

I  have ​ been awarded the TEAN award for Effective Teacher Education for 2018 with my  colleagues Fay Lewis and Laura Fogg-Rogers​ and received a national Stem inspiration award.

At present I am researching the effective methods of communicating science findings to children through literature as well as looking at students' misconceptions in science when they arrive at university.

Recent publications: 

Edmonds, J (2024) Mastering Professional Practices: Primary School Science Teacher Identity and Development in Waller, R, Andrews, J and Clark, T, (2024) Critical Perspectives on Educational Policies and Professional Identities: Lessons from doctoral studies. Emerald Publishing.

Lewis, F and Edmonds, J (2024) Children as Engineers Teaching science, design technology and Sustainability through Engineering in the Primary Classroom. Routledge

Edmonds, J. (2022) Combining Drama with Physical Models to Support Understanding in Science. Primary science. (173), 14

Edmonds, J. et al. (2022) Primary pathways: elementary pupils’ aspiration to be engineers and STEM subject interest. International journal of science education. Part B. Communication and public engagement. [Online] 12 (3), 221–234.

Lewis, F. et al. (2021) Engineering science education: the impact of a paired peer approach on subject knowledge confidence and self-efficacy levels of student teachers. International journal of science education. [Online] 43 (5), 793–822.

Area of expertise

 Science Education, Primary Engineering, language and science.

Language in learning science

Environmental Education

 Primary STEM


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