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Department staff:
Research staff:
- Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
- Metacognition
- Teaching and Learning
- Action Learning Sets
- Education
- physical activity
Teaching staff:
- Qualifications:HEA, PGCert HE, MA, QTS, BA(Hons)
- Position:Senior Lecturer Initial Teacher Training
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+4411732 81756
About me
I am currently the module leader for Learners and Teachers across the Secondary PGCE, Online Distance Learning PGCE, iPGCE plus BSc Maths with QTS and Module Leader for Primary Inclusive Practice and Guided Studies on the Foundation programme. Before joining UWE Initial Teacher Education team I taught on undergraduate Physical Education degree courses, ran School Direct and PGCE courses, and NQT programmes in addition to partnership networking and recruitment activities in Universities and schools across the Midlands and South West. I taught secondary Physical Education for 8 years prior to moving into Higher Education.
Area of expertise
Initial Teacher Training professional development, curriculum design, mentoring and recruitment.