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- Qualifications:PhD, BSc, PGCTLHE
- Position:Associate Head of School - Subject Lead for Healthcare Science
- Department:School of Applied Sciences
- Telephone:+4411732 82491
About me
I am an Associate Head within the School of Applied Sciences with responsibility for leading the healthcare science subject group. This includes overseeing the performance and development of a range of programmes, including degree apprenticeships and postgraduate programmes. I line manage staff that are involved in the delivery of these programmes, and work closely with the School leadership team and colleagues within professional services, as well as with external stakeholders.
Alongside my leadership role I continue to teach, primarily in health and exercise physiology, supervise research projects, and to act as an academic tutor. I also have experience in co-supervising PhD students and working collaboratively on research projects.
I joined UWE in 2015 and have held many different roles, which has given me a broad experience of learning and teaching in HE. I gained a BSc (Hons) Pharmacology and PhD from the University of Bath, and worked for many years in research prior to joining UWE.