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- Qualifications:PhD (Sheffield) MA, BA (Cambridge)
- Position:Associate Professor in Urban Planning
- Department:FET - Geography and Environmental Management
- Telephone:+4411732 81936
About me
I am the programme leader for the MSc in Urban Planning: a dynamic and lively RTPI accredited planning program. I teach on the MSc programme as well as on the undergraduate programmes within the department. My teaching focuses on planning theory, community involvement and conservation.
In research, I am interested in planning theory, and its relationship with practice, values and community involvement in planning. My current research interests focus on cemeteries in cities, Community-Led housing and Low-Impact development and whether policy can deal with spiritual values and a postsecular context. I am committed to engaged scholarship in my research and teaching: aiming to work with local community groups and organisations so that my work, and that of my students is socially beneficial as well as intellectually significant and rigorous.
I am an editor for the Interface section of Planning Theory and Practice Journal.
I am a member of the Town and Country Planning association and the Women in Planning (SW) network.
Current funded research projects include:
- Cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe: a study of migrant and minority cultural inclusion, exclusion and integration. See for details
- Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review. Power to Change tender.
Previous funded projects:
'Deathscapes and Diversity in multicultural England and Wales. Making space for minorities' and migrants' bodily remains, ritual and remembrance. See
British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award entitled 'Spaces for secular faith: Planning practice, shared assets and intangible values in diverse and changing communities'.
I am interested in supervising PhDs on the following topics:
- Community participation and planning
- Community-Led housing
- Low-Impact/ 'off-grid' development
- Diversity/migration/multiculturalism and planning
- Planning and religion
- Planning for 'deathscapes'
- New ways of theorising planning- with a focus on regulation/decision-making
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss a potential project.
Area of expertise
Planning theory, regulation, engaged scholarship, values and professional practice, postsecular cities, community assets, cemeteries