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- Qualifications:EdD, MA Education, HEA Fellow, PGCert, PGCE Primary, BA (Hons) Eng Lit
- Position:Senior Lecturer in Education
- Department:Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE)
- Telephone:+441173287351
About me
After early explorations in music and arts journalism in the Midlands, I completed my undergraduate degree in English Literature in Cardiff. This was followed by a Primary PGCE with a specialism in English. As a primary school teacher I taught in Cardiff, London and Bristol. Over this time I led English, special needs and inclusion provision and in later years in school was Deputy Head Teacher. I became a senior lecturer in Education at UWE Bristol in 2014, where my school experience led me to teach professional development and English modules across the PGCE Primary and EY and Undergraduate routes. Until June 2022 I was programme leader of the PGCE Primary and EY alongside managing the programme's School Direct provision and Admissions. I now work on the MA Education, the EdD Professional Doctorate and the PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. I am a fellow of the HEA.
My research interests focus on issues surrounding social justice, gender, class, language and also the professional identity and status of primary school teachers and initial teacher educators. I am developing my work in this area using poetic and autoethnographic approaches. I successfully completed my doctorate in 2022.
Area of expertise
English in primary school teaching, specifically issues around reading for pleasure; use and status of language; professional development; professional identity and values of trainee teachers and teacher educators; equity and social justice. I am also working on issues around symbolic violence in the choices made by young women to work with children and I am developing the poetic methodological approach I used in my doctoral thesis.