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- Position:Professor in Environmental Management
- Department:College of Arts, Technology and Environment FET - Geography and Environmental Management
- Telephone:+441173283383
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About me
Professor Lindsey McEwen MA (Hons) PhD FRGS ARSGS FHEA NTF is Professor of Environmental Management within the School of Architecture and Environment at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and Director of the Centre for Water, Communities and Resilience (CWCR). As a geographer, she designs and delivers innovative interdisciplinary co-produced research in different hazard settings for 'impact'. Over 30 years, her research interests include: flood histories/archives, water risk management (flood-drought continuum), the integration of specialist and lay knowledge to support local risk decision-making; water science communication/ education and community-based research and learning.
She has successfully led several 'engaged' interdisciplinary, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded projects in water risk management, working at intersections of the natural and social sciences, and the arts and humanities, and involving multi-stakeholder partnerships. These include:
ESRC Sustainable Flood Memories; NERC DRY (Drought Risk and You); ESRC CCC-CATAPULT and AHRC Voices in a Pandemic projects.
She co-edited a special edition of the Journal of Extreme Events as an outcome from the ESRC CASCADE-NET (Civil Agency, Society and Climate ADaptation to Weather Extremes) seminar and network grant.
Current projects include ESRC Climate Collaboratorium and NERC FLOODTWIN.
Lindsey combines her subject-based research interests in different aspects of water risk with a long-standing strand of pedagogic research interest. She is a UK Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellow (2009). Further information about her research activity and knowledge exchange activities, and the projects can be found here.
Her long-term scholarship project – a book entitled ‘Flood Risk and Community Resilience: An interdisciplinary Approach’ - was published by Routledge in February 2024.
Area of expertise
· Flood heritage and flood archives
· Integrating different knowledge systems for better decision-making in water risk management
· Flood memory, flood narratives, local knowledge and community resilience
· Flood/drought Risk management and water resource management
· Water education and flood/drought science communication
· Community engaged research and participatory research methods
· Pedagogic research and its development (Learning for Resilience; Learning for Sustainability; Community-based/ engaged learning; taught postgraduate education)
Lindsey has additional long-term research interests in flood impacts, patterns and landscape change:
· Historic flood patterns, their synchronicity and implications for flood risk assessment
· Fluvial landscape sensitivity to changing flood and sediment patterns, linked to integrated catchment management
· Cold environment river dynamics and broader Late Holocene landscape evolution