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Department staff:
- Position:Assistant Director of Research Business and Innovation (Business Innovation and Skills)
- Department:RBI - Research and Business Development
- Telephone:+4411732 83856
About me
As a member of the University's Research Business and Innovation department, my role is to grow and develop UWE Bristol's business and enterprise activity across the University, connecting with the region's businesses to support innovation, skills and growth.
I lead and manage RBI's Business Services Team, which includes responsibility for:
- Supporting the delivery of professional development, CPD and skills by the University to local businesses and organisations
- Delivering a range of support services to business including grant funding opportunities for R&D and scale-up projects, and KTPs
I started at UWE Bristol in 2012 as Policy Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor (maternity cover), later joining the University's Research, Business and Innovation team (RBI) to lead on ERDF Innovation Vouchers and then as Lead for the Faculty of Business and Law.
Before this, I worked in consumer policy and communications regulation, spending 8 years at the regulator Ofcom where I led public consultations on 'silent calls' and mobile phone charges. Prior to this I had policy roles at Oftel (Internet and broadband policy) and the National Consumer Council (data protection, freedom of information and ecommerce policy).
I have a BA Hons in Law and Politics from the University of Hull, and studied at the College of Law, London.
Area of expertise
I joined the University in 2011 as Policy Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor.
Before joining UWE, I held various roles in policy, strategy and stakeholder management - most recently at the competition media regulator Ofcom where I led teams of lawyers, economists and market/business analysts to deliver evidence-based policy solutions to regulatory issues such as 'silent calls' and 'bill shock'.
Prior to that I was Policy Adviser at the National Consumer Council where I undertook research and lobbied government on Data Protection, Freedom of Information and e-Commerce policy.
I have a BA (Hons) in Law and Politics from the University of Hull and studied at the College of Law, London.